Employment Opportunities


There are currently full time positions available at HOPE for Hyndman Charter School.

HOPE for Hyndman Charter School is currently seeking to fill the following position for the 2024-25 school year:

Secondary Science Teacher

A  Resume, PA Clearances, Letter of Interest, References, and a PA Standard Teacher Application can be submitted to Human Resource Office at 130 School Drive, Hyndman PA 15545, or by email at personnel@hyndmancharterschool.


The HOPE for Hyndman Charter School is currently seeking substitutes for the 2024-25 school year. Substitutes are needed in the following areas:

  • School Bus Drivers

  • Long Term Substitutes

  • Day to Day Substitutes

All applications, along with required clearances, may be returned to the Human Resource Office at 130 School Drive, Hyndman PA 15545, or by email at personnel@hyndmancharterschool.org.

Clearance information can be found obtained by contacting Carey Schilling at cohler@hyndmancharterschool.org

The HOPE for Hyndman Charter School is an Equal Opportunity Employer.