Meet Brielle Gibbner, HHCS Alum & Kindergarten Teacher!
We asked Mrs. Gibbner, our new Kinder teacher, five quick questions. Check out her answers, in her own words below!
1. When did you know you wanted to be an educator?
I knew I wanted to be an educator during the start of my second year at community college. I had gone into college as a biology major, and woke up one morning realizing that it wasn’t what I wanted to pursue. I have always loved working with children and it has always been a passion of mine so I made the decision to switch my major to education. After making the switch into education I was so much happier and realized that I was exactly where I needed to be. The journey to become an educator hasn’t always been easy, but I have loved every minute of it.
2. Who was your favorite teacher and why?
My favorite teacher would have to be a toss up between two of my college professors, Dr. Bishoff and Dr. Mattern. These two tie as my favorite teachers because they both make learning so much fun, and they are easy to talk to.
3. How does the HHCS's mission and vision align with your personal values?
Just like HHCS, I believe that every child has the right to learn and should be given an equal opportunity to expand their knowledge. I also believe that every child is different and should be treated as an individual. The education a child is receiving should be aligned to their individual needs and interests, which is exactly what HHCS strives to do.
Finally, I believe the community that surrounds a school plays a huge role in shaping the school and should be given opportunities to be involved. HHCS provides many opportunities for the community and its members to be involved, which I think is amazing.
4. What do you love most about teaching Kindergarten?
There are many great things about teaching Kindergarten, but what I love most about it has to be those moments when I am teaching and I can see the student’s minds working hard, and then all of a sudden they get it. They understand and comprehend what I was teaching them. These moments are extra special when teaching Kindergarten because a lot of what the students are learning is new knowledge. To see that a child is understanding and building the foundation for future knowledge is amazing.
5. What else would you like us to know about YOU?
Fun fact: I have lived in Hyndman all of my life. I actually attended and graduated from HHCS! To be back several years later as a teacher is wonderful. Being given the opportunity to teach so close to home and at the school that I graduated from is a dream come true!
Striving for high academic achievement, and a high rate of post-secondary continuing education, HHCS extends K-12 classroom teaching and learning boundaries to include varied educational endeavors, multiple mediums, dual enrollment and work experience programs to model and promote the practice of lifelong learning. Find out more about our close-knit community school where every student is known for who they are and how they best learn. Enrolling tuition-free for grades K-12, today!